How we can support you
We want to offer you as much marketing support as possible. Therefore, we have developed a number of modules that can help you promote your product using SolaGrain.
This marketing support is free of charge; we only invoice for any printing costs or graphic design fees that might ensue.
SolaGrain brochures
We can provide you with copies of our SolaGrain informational brochure (including its use in your individual product). The brochure explains what SolaGrain is and which health benefits it offers. We only invoice printing costs.
Your benefit:
Your customers receive a clear, comprehensible explanation of the health benefits your product now offers, thanks to SolaGrain.
Plug-ins for your website
We can make information from our Internet site directly available to you, so that you can plug it into your own website quickly and easily.
Your benefit:
You have access to complete web content, along with marketing claims and images, and therefore do not need to invest time and effort in creating the content yourself.
Link to SolaGrain website
We can link your site to ours and vice-versa, so that your customers can find out more about SolaGrain quickly and easily.
Your benefit:
You can inform your customers about your new and improved product quickly and easily by linking to our website.
Presentations and written material
We can offer you our scientific advisors' support, enabling you to use their specialized expertise. Our experts are more than happy to provide you with the relevant information on SolaGrain and its health benefits as they apply to your product. In such cases, our advisors would work directly with you on their own account.
Your benefit:
You can provide scientific information about your SolaGrain-based products to both industrial and retail customers.