Low carb + High protein
= SolaGrain
SolaGrain is the ideal ingredient for making your product "low carb". It can even be used to substitute up to 100% of the flour in your product, with the same functionality and 20% fewer calories!
Low-carb products are the latest trend - and they're here to stay!
A low-carb diet is more filling, thanks to the higher amounts of protein it provides. What's more, since a low-carb diet usually contains less sugar and white flour, it also keeps insulin levels down. That's a key element of effective weight-loss, since once insulin levels rise - due to short-chain sugar molecules contained in sugary or flour-based products being absorbed into the bloodstream - the body stops burning fat!
An effective weight-loss method is to consume more protein and fiber - both contained in SolaGrain - which keep insulin at lower, fat-burning levels while also providing a pleasant feeling of satiety.
SolaGrain: a valuable source of protein

The soy and flax proteins in SolaGrain have up to 92% bio-availability!
What is bio-availability?
Bio-availability is a standard for measuring the efficiency with which the body can make use of a source of protein. The more similar a protein is to protein found in the human body in terms of the amino acids it contains, the faster it can be assimilated by the body's cells. The system uses the egg, which has 100% bio-availability, as its standard reference.