SolaGrain - more fiber, no unpleasant side effects
SolaGrain is different from other conventional sources of fiber! It can be used in large amounts without unpleasant side effects for consumers. In addition, regardless of the amount used, it does not negatively impact the final product's original properties.
Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. From a marketing standpoint, products that offer greater amounts of fiber are therefore a definite plus. For food producers, however, fiber can be a problem in two ways:
1) When some types of fiber are added to a formulation in amounts that offer significant health advantages (3-6%), they can have unpleasant side effects for consumers.
2) Significant amounts of fiber can also alter a product's characteristics in unwanted ways, making it unrecognizable or inconsumable.
SolaGrain is different from other conventional sources of fiber! It can be used in large amounts without unpleasant side effects for consumers. In addition, regardless of the amount used, it does not negatively impact the final product's original properties.
Why do we need fiber?
Fiber is the roughage naturally found in food products which the body cannot digest. Instead, it binds with water, thus filling the intestines and promoting digestion. It helps the body process food substances more quickly. Toxins have less time to do damage to the intestinal walls as a result. At the same time, fiber can cause unpleasant side effects such as bloating. The fibers contained in SolaGrain have been carefully selected and processed so as not to produce any side effects.
All-natural products can be both tasty and easy to digest.
In addition to taste, the most common reason why consumers do not purchase fiber products is their unpleasant side effects. SolaGrain is neutral in taste and causes no side effects.