Fiber promotes good digestion
The fiber contained in SolaGrain helps the body keep things moving.
Some 15% of all women and 5% of all men suffer from constipation, a problem that increases with age. High-fiber products are an excellent, healthy alternative to laxatives. However, many of the single-fiber stool-softeners come with negative side effects like bloating and gas. That's where SolaGrain is different - full effectiveness without side effects.
SolaGrain helps improve digestion in two ways. First, both the soluble and, above all, the insoluble fiber it contains combine with water and expand considerably. Second, fiber serves as food for the bacteria the small intestine requires to remain healthy. Fiber allows the bacteria to reproduce, creating beneficial substances such as short-chain fatty acids.
In turn, the fatty acids provide nourishment for the intestinal membrane and increase the volume of fecal matter, which also becomes softer, thanks to the larger amounts of water and bacteria present. The greater amounts of feces increase peristalsis, the natural contractions that move food through the digestive tract. That means the fiber contained in SolaGrain can work together with the body's natural mechanisms to promote healthy digestion and regularity.
Fiber for better intestinal flora
Fiber serves as food for the "good" bacteria that live in the digestive tract. That means fiber is critical for maintaining healthy intestinal flora and a well-functioning immune system, since most of the body's immune response takes place in the intestines.
Better regularity, thanks to fiber
Many people suffer from constipation, since most of us tend to eat an imbalanced diet, consume too little fiber and do not get enough exercise, all of which tends to slow the digestion. Medical experts recommend a high-fiber diet instead of laxatives.