Fiber promotes stable blood
sugar levels
The fiber contained in SolaGrain helps regulate and optimize blood sugar levels.
One in three adults in the United States has diabetes or elevated blood sugar levels, which suggest onset of the disease. As a study in Diabetes Care shows, more than 60% of US adults over the age of 65 cannot metabolize glucose properly. Healthy diets are one way to counteract such trends.
Recent studies show that fiber, SolaGrain's main ingredient, can help regulate insulin levels by slowing the absorption of sugar in the digestive tract. That means fiber-rich foods can help prevent unwanted spiking and more stable blood sugar levels. As a result, a fiber-rich diet, as with SolaGrain, can help people manage their diabetes and, in some cases, even reduce their medication.
Diabetes is a major cost driver
The annual expenditures for diabetes treatment have nearly doubled in only six years, totaling
Experts call for higher-fiber diets

At least half of each person's daily calorie intake should come from fiber-rich carbohydrates, such as those found in fruit, vegetables, grains - and SolaGrain.