Fiber helps ensure optimal
body weight
Thanks to the fiber and protein it contains, SolaGrain turns normal products into satisfying foods that can help people lose weight.
Obesity is increasing throughout the industrialized world. Fiber's high-satiety attributes make it an effective weight-loss tool.
When it comes in contact with fluid in the intestinal tract, the fiber contained in SolaGrain expands, making you feel comfortably full quickly and helping you stay that way longer. That helps you consume fewer calories, which helps you lose weight.
In addition, fiber-rich foods help regulate blood sugar levels, thus reducing cravings for sweets. That makes it easier to avoid snacking.
Fiber helps control weight and improve health

As an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows, people who eat whole-grain foods are slimmer and have fewer coronary conditions than those who don't. In the study, those participants who were overweight and ate larger amounts of whole-grain fibers lost more weight than the control group.
Thin people eat more fiber and protein

Several studies reveal that there are critical differences between the way thin people and overweight people eat. The findings show that both groups eat portions of roughly equal size. Thin people, however, eat less fatty foods and fewer complex carbohydrates while consuming more fiber and protein.