Fiber's health-enhancing effects
SolaGrain fibers can improve digestion and protect the body from numerous illnesses. In addition, fiber-rich foods are satisfying and help promote weight loss.
Fiber helps ensure that food is chewed longer and more thoroughly. It also fills the stomach, prolongs digestion and prevents blood sugar levels from spiking. That means the fibers in SolaGrain provide a satisfying feeling of fullness for longer periods of time. In addition, since high-fiber foods have fewer calories by volume, SolaGrain can make it easier to lose weight. It also has a positive impact on how the body processes fat, helping it to lower cholesterol and triglycerides.
Finally, the ingredients contained in SolaGrain serve as food for the flora naturally present in the intestines, thus improving digestion and bolstering the immune system.
Can fiber prevent colon cancer?

Fiber can bind with cancer-producing substances in the intestines, which are then excreted. That means fiber can help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
Fiber promotes weight loss

Several studies have revealed that there are critical differences between the way slim people and overweight people eat. The findings show that both groups eat portions of roughly equal size. Slim people, however, eat less fatty foods and fewer simple carbohydrates while consuming more fiber and protein.